A white moon shining full and bright A silver path between the shores of night Magical beauty beguiling inner sight Welcome to a world of healing, love and light The sun is rising, life giving and bold, Glowing shores of dawn scarlet, rose and gold Breathtaking beauty flooding inner sight. Welcome to a world of full creative light. Iona Jenkins 2024 Following Samhain/All Hallows we entered the dark months. When the clocks went back, I experienced a strange sense of time standing still, a sense of no time, for two days until my body clock adjusted, always surprised to find it was earlier than I thought. These dark months can bring a sense of peace, of cocooning, which in today’s crazy world could be a blessing. And yet, although the daylight hours are short, nature continues to put on dazzling displays of light. I don’t profess to be a photographer, I use the camera on my phone to snap lighting effects that create a sense of wonder for me. I have to act quickly as the light can change in an instant. The magic lies in the moment when I become aware of my surroundings, the sights, sounds and atmosphere of this Welsh landscape I live in. My inner winter does not bring loss. The autumn and Samhain mark a time for letting go of that which is completed or no longer needed. The winter season can evoke images of breath-taking beauty. We can seek the hidden light, turn off the electric lamps, and the TV sometimes, to enjoy silence, or human conversation with the warm glow of candle lanterns on a dark evening. Winter is time of stillness, when the light of moon and stars is dazzling in icy skies, a time when the fire of inspiration heats potions of new ideas. I have a childhood memory of winning a prize for a primary school nature project. It was a Ladybird book with stunning pictures called What to Look for in Winter. I paid more attention to the cold season with its darker months and long nights from that very day. The sun begins its return to the northern hemisphere after the shortest day which marks the Winter solstice on 21st December. This is also part of the magic, the days slowly lengthening bringing birth, growth and new life as we circle towards the spring. There is much chaos in the world right now and people are suffering. Wales is not a war zone right now, so I count my blessings and send out peace. It’s not much, I know, in the current world situation, but as an ordinary human of a certain age it's the best I can do. Let’s see what magic we can find in winter and pass it around as we dance the circle into the next year.
Iona Jenkins
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January 2025