All of a sudden, Merlin Greenway leaned forward in his chair. "Shush!" He looked alert, serious. The company stopped their chatter and became quite still, listening to the silence as they focused all their attention on him. A sudden chill breeze blew up, stirring the flowering shrubs on the lawn outside the open window and the waves below the cliff. "There is a presence in this room, do you feel it, Tomos? Someone is watching us," Merlin whispered, looking at the Elder, "I feel very visible, like a goldfish swimming around a glass bowl." "All of you smile and make small talk. Merlin's right, the atmosphere has changed in here ... the temperature has cooled. A murky green haze had begun to seep into the room ... Happy New Year to my readers, hope it's happy healthy and prosperous for you all. I'd also like peace on Earth but I guess that's a tall order. I thought that the Christmas period might put an end to writing and that I would be taking a break, but being in Lincolnshire, I couldn't resist spending time walking through the woods which surround the village of Woodhall Spa, a place which affords me enjoyable short walks and a coffee in the bookshop cafe. The day was still, bright with sunshine and that always brings a beautiful lighting effect into a walk through trees. The council have kindly put a few benches at strategic places along the many paths which cut through the trees in all directions and although they are a little weathered and mossy, it's good to sit down, watch the sunlight filtering through the high trees, the squirrels running along the branches and to listen to the birds. I was even lucky enough to spot a small deer in there once. It was Christmas week and also the Winter Solstice, I sat on one of the benches and put my notebook, pen and specs down next to me, when a breeze blew up from nowhere and started whooshing through the treetops. The atmosphere changed and my mind was catapulted into a youthful memory that generated a piece of prose. I scribbled down the words which began to flow through my mind like a stream and now, since I returned home, I have been working on it, honing the lines until it had filled a full side of A4. This has formed item number 30 in a new collection of Poems and Reflections that I am working on alongside the third book of my Lumenor Trilogy which is tween fiction. I've discovered that the Muse never takes time off, it leaves my flat and comes with me whenever I go away. It costs me a fortune in notebooks and biros, I can't type fast enough on a small phone screen. Once more, compliments of the season.
Iona Jenkins |
Iona Jenkins
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December 2024