I have been out most days during lockdown on short socially distanced walks around my local area. When the restrictions began, we were approaching the Spring Equinox. The flowers came in a blaze of colour and beauty, before we moved into a summer of both heat wave and storm. Images of life and death have certainly seemed close together in 2020 as we have been forced to live more in the present, to come to terms with our human vulnerability and to consider what is really important to us and what is not. Now the harvest has been gathered in, I sense a change in the air and in the earth beneath my feet. I am on my way towards completing a book though it is taking longer than I first envisaged. I have also written poems and taken photos, as well as collecting haw berries from an abundant local tree to make hawthorn brandy (recipes on the internet). A submission I made in June, has seen two of my poems - Wings of Light and Summer Trilogy published in the September issue of a monthly Druid journal called TOUCHSTONE. Wings of LightThe blue grey lull of twilight sea The shore lamps twinkle into night Behind a thin mist curtain like a veil I breathe in stars and fly on wings of light. Iona Jenkins, 2020 Also published in Touchstone 2020 Summer TrilogyThe white flower trumpets Are green leaf creeping Over the old churchyard Grave stones, silent bones Life and death close mingle In sunlight bright gilding The sky is blue above the bay Nectar collecting the bees buzzing In lush lavender purple tumbling Summer scented on grey stone walls The earth is alive and honey making Summer leaves in dusty green And fruit trees heavy laden The cornfields ripened gold All ready for the harvesting The earth is a generous mother. Iona Jenkins, 2020
Also published in Touchstone 2020 |
Iona Jenkins
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January 2025