I am a storyteller, a dream maker All my tales are a rich woven cloth Of mystical thread I spin from gold With dancing feet in the music of Earth I will sing you her life song of passion As my fingers draw down a web of stars To light her chalice the sky reflecting Deep cauldron of plenty overflowing This potion of peace and magic growing Bright flowers blooming colour scented. Iona Jenkins "To begin my poetic journey, I connect to inspiration through my senses, from which I develop awareness of my place within my surroundings and the influence they have on me as a creative being. Our early ancestors would have used their senses both fully and spontaneously like any other creature, because survival would have depended on their ability to do so. Today, however, in our modern technological world we can order goods and services in seconds on a mobile phone. We are now consumers instead of hunters and gatherers. We have many creature comforts, but alas, we are also a people with increasing mental health, environmental, and social problems. So why are we not satisfied? Why does happiness elude so many? In losing our connection to the Sacred Feminine, we have gradually been losing connection to the planet which sustains us - our mother the Earth. We have come to believe that we are separate, more important, far above the rest of creation. In creating too many boundaries, we avoid the oneness of our reality, and we are lonely as a result. We could learn much from ethnic civilisations living in communities with powerful links to the natural world and a great respect for the land that nourishes them." Iona Jenkins, poem and extract from p.58 and 59 To Sing with Bards and Angels, O-Books 2022 Embracing the Earth with respect, we can heal the fear that keeps us isolated, regaining our balance we can reach for the stars. It is then, we may also discover them shining within, illuminating all those deep space places, and singing soft in the language of angels.
May all beings find relaxation and connection in the warmth and light of summer. Iona |
Iona Jenkins
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January 2025